Scheme for Financial Assistance to select States/UTs for Skill Development in
Electronics System Design and Manufacturing (ESDM) sector Download
For Student
a) General
- The Scheme is proposed to target students studying at IX/X standard onwards, ITI, Polytechnic,
under-graduate (non-engineering) and also unemployed youth who are school dropouts from 8th pass onwards, ITI Certificate or Diploma holders, graduates from non-engineering background, registrants in Employment Exchanges.
- The student can enroll at any of the 5 Levels (L1 to L5) specified, subject to meeting the minimum eligibility criteria, as below:
Level |
(L1-L2) |
(L3) |
(L4) |
technician (L5) |
Entry at |
VIIIth pass |
10th pass |
graduates |
Diploma/B.Sc. |
Course fee |
Rs 5000/- |
Rs 10,000/- |
Rs 12,000/- |
Rs 15,000/- |
fees / Re-appear
sessment) Fees |
Rs 500/- |
Rs 1000/- |
Rs 1500/- |
Rs 2000/- |
Courses |
The courses under the Scheme would be approved by an Expert Committee setup
by DeitY. These courses would be conducted by three Key Implementing
Agencies (KIA) viz. ESSCI, NIELIT, TSSC through their own centers/ affiliated
Training Partners as per list. The current list of approved courses can be found at http://deity.gov.in/sites/upload_files/dit/files/List%20of%20Courses%20for%20ESDM.pdf |
- The approved courses will be available for training under this Scheme. These courses would be
conducted by three Key Implementing Agencies viz. ESSCI, NIELIT, TSSC through their own
centers/ affiliated Training Partners as per list. The list of centers/ affiliated Training Partners is
available on DeitY's website at http://deity.gov.in/esdm/hrd.
- The courses under the Scheme are for upgrading the skills and/or acquiring new skills.
- The courses can be taken-up as full-time or part-time module, as offered by the approved training
- All students need to ensure they have a valid Aadhaar Number. In case a student doesn't have
Aadhaar, he/she may get enrolled at the nearest Aadhaar/NPR enrolment Centers. Candidates may
also approach any of the NIELIT Centers or nearby CSC for Aadhaar Enrolment.
- A student who has been a beneficiary of the STAR Scheme of Govt. of India would not be
considered as beneficiary under the Scheme. Each candidate would be required to submit an
undertaking, that he/she has not taken the benefit of STAR Scheme, to the Training Partner at the
time of registration/enrolment.
- The candidate should not be less than 18 years of age as the scheme is for promoting of trained
candidates in the industry recognized skills.
- When a student decides to enroll for a course under this Scheme, he/she should approach the nearest
Affiliated Training Partner. The list of Training Partners will be available on the ESDM Skill
Development Portal as well as DeitY's website at http://deity.gov.in/esdm/hrd
- The Training Partners, depending on the eligibility and suitability of the candidate will carry out
his/her enrollment in a particular course. After enrolling for the course, the student will be required
to undergo the training for the prescribed duration of the course. After completion of training, each
student should undergo an examination/ assessment to be conducted by an approved KIA. The
examination will have two components - theory and practical
- Each candidate should be willing to get employed / Self-Employed (applicable in Repair/
Maintenance courses only). Each candidate would be required to submit an undertaking to this effect
to the Training Partner at the time of registration/enrolment.
- The examination norms (Examination duration, number of questions, online or offline, theory vs.
practical breakup etc) would be as per the norms of the KIA of the specific course.
- A student who is unable to pass the exam in the initial attempt will be eligible to apply for re-appear
cycle. A candidate will be allowed only two re-appear attempts
- The student will have to pay the prescribed examination/assessment fees to the TP for every
attempt. The student would be eligible to obtain the refund for one time only, upon his/her successful
certification and the necessary amount due to him/her would be transferred to his account through
- A student is eligible to get benefit under this scheme only once. Under no circumstance any student
will be allowed to enroll for a second course.
- In case of any grievance of the student with the training partner, the student should approach the
State Implementing Agency (SIA)/respective Key Implementing Agency viz. ESSCI, NIELIT, TSSC
for grievance redressal. In case it is not satisfactorily resolved within 1 month they may approach the
PMU at DeitY.
b) Financials
1. 60% seats of the total seats at each Level are meant for the General Candidates
2. 40% seats will be reserved for the students belonging to SC/ST/EWS categories.
3. The reservation quota as specified in the scheme document is SC-15%; ST-7.5%; EWS-17.5%.
4. Criteria for EWS Category: The annual family income of the candidate should not be more than Rs 2
lakh in order to be eligible for EWS Category. Any certificate recognized by State/UT administration
shall be acceptable.
5. Training Fees : -
a) General Candidates:
- 25% training fees to be paid to the Training Partner upon enrolment. The training partner is
free to bear / share (with student) this cost or provide credit facility to the students if they so
desire. DeitY would have no bearing on the mutual arrangement between the Training
partner and the student in this regard.
- 75% of the training fee would be payable by DeitY for the successfully certified candidates.
This would be reimbursed to the Training Partner, subject to approval from respective KIA
and subject to meeting the employability norms set under the Scheme.
b) Reserved Candidates (SC/ ST/EWS):
- 100% of the training fee would be payable by DeitY for the successfully certified
candidates. This would be reimbursed to the Training Partner, subject to meeting the
employability norms set under the Scheme
6. Examination/ Assessment Fees : -
a) General Candidates
- All students will have to initially pay the registration-cum-examination fees at the time of
enrolment with the Training Partner.
- The student will have to pay the prescribed examination/assessment fees to the TP for every
- The student would be eligible to obtain the refund for one time only, upon his/her successful
certification and the necessary amount due to him/her would be transferred to his account
through DBT.
- 100% of the examination fees would be payable by DeitY for the successfully certified
candidates. This would be transferred to the candidate account through DBT.
b) Reserved Candidates (SC/ ST/EWS):
- All students will have to initially pay the registration-cum-examination fees at the time of
enrolment with the Training Partner.
- The student will have to pay the prescribed examination/assessment fees to the TP for every
- The student would be eligible to obtain the refund for one time only, upon his/her successful
certification and the necessary amount due to him/her would be transferred to his account
through DBT.
- 100% of the examination fees would be payable by DeitY for the successfully certified
candidates. This would be transferred to the candidate account through DBT.
For Training Partner
a) General
- Training Partner is an important link in the implementation of the skill development initiative. The
TP is responsible for mobilization of students in active collaboration with State Implementing
- The Scheme parameters are as follows:
Level |
(L1-L2) |
(L3) |
(L4) |
technician (L5) |
Entry at |
VIIIth pass |
10th pass |
graduates |
Diploma/B.Sc. |
Course fee |
Rs 5000/- |
Rs 10,000/- |
Rs 12,000/- |
Rs 15,000/- |
fees / Re-appear
sessment) Fees |
Rs 500/- |
Rs 1000/- |
Rs 1500/- |
Rs 2000/- |
Courses |
The courses under the Scheme would be approved by an Expert Committee setup
by DeitY. These courses would be conducted by three Key Implementing
Agencies (KIA) viz. ESSCI, NIELIT, TSSC through their own centers/ affiliated
Training Partners as per list. The current list of approved courses can be found at http://deity.gov.in/sites/upload_files/dit/files/List%20of%20Courses%20for%20ESDM.pdf |
- The courses may be offered as full-time or part-time module in classroom mode only.
- The batch size is recommended to be of 20-30 candidates as per the norms specified by the
respective Key Implementing Agency viz. ESSCI, NIELIT, TSSC. Multiple batches to be created in
case of larger enrollments.
- The approval to conduct the training with a batch size will be provided by the SIA through the Key
Implementing Agencies.
- A TP can be affiliated with one or more KIA at the same time, provided the affiliation is for different
courses. Only affiliated Training Partners from respective KIA are allowed to conduct the approved
training courses. Only Affiliated training partner can be affiliated to more than one KIA.
- Any assessor/trainer associated with the scheme in whatever capacity with any KIA will
compulsorily have to be a certified assessor/trainer respectively for the course being delivered by the
training partner.
b) Financials
1. 60% seats of the total seats at each Level are meant for the General Candidates
2. 40% seats will be reserved for the students belonging to SC/ST/EWS categories.
3. The reservation quota as specified in the scheme document is SC-15%; ST-7.5%; EWS-17.5%.
4. Criteria for EWS Category: The annual family income of the candidate should not be more than Rs 2
lakh in order to be eligible for EWS Category. Any certificate recognized by State/UT administration
shall be acceptable.
5. Training Fees : -
a) General Candidates:
- 25% training fees to be collected by the Training Partner upon enrolment of the student. The
training partner is free to bear this cost or provide credit facility to the students if they so
desire. DeitY would have no bearing on the mutual arrangement between the Training
partner and the student in this regard.
- 75% of the training fee would be payable by DeitY for the successfully certified candidates.
This would be reimbursed from the SIA to the Training Partner, subject to approval from
respective KIA and subject to meeting the employability norms set under the Scheme.
b) Reserved Candidates (SC/ ST/EWS):
- 100% of the training fee would be payable by DeitY for the successfully certified
candidates. This would be reimbursed from the SIA to the Training Partner, subject to
approval from respective KIA and subject to meeting the employability norms set under the
6. Examination/ Assessment Fees : -
a) General Candidates:
- Every enrolled student would be required to pay for examination / assessment fees to the
Training Partners at the time of enrolment.
- The student will have to pay the prescribed examination/assessment fees to the TP for every
- The Training Partner should transfer the Assessment fees in respect of the enrolled batch to
the KIAs within 5 working days of starting of the training.
- The student would be eligible to obtain the refund for one time only, upon his/her successful
certification and the necessary amount due to him/her would be transferred to his account
through DBT.
b) Reserved Candidates (SC/ ST/EWS):
- Every enrolled student would be required to pay for examination / assessment fees to the
Training Partners at the time of enrolment.
- The student will have to pay the prescribed examination/assessment fees to the TP for every
- The Training Partner should transfer the Assessment fees in respect of the enrolled batch to
the KIAs within 5 working days of starting of the training.
- The student would be eligible to obtain the refund for one time only, upon his/her successful
certification and the necessary amount due to him/her would be transferred to his account
through DBT.
7. All fees is inclusive of all taxes, as and when applicable. No amount, over and above the prescribed
limits at each level , as indicated in the Scheme, shall be payable by DeitY
c) Affiliation
- The TP can apply for affiliation with any of the three KIAs. Affiliation will be course and center
specific, which means that the TP can apply for affiliation under a particular level and for a specific
course, as per prescribed norms, as applicable.
- The Training Partner needs to adhere to the accreditation norms of the KIAs viz.ESSCI / TSSC /
NIELIT with whom the TP is affiliated. The ratio of quantity of requisite training infrastructure to
number of students would be as per the accreditation norms of KIA.
- All Training Partners must have the requisite training infrastructure to conduct the training for the
particular course. Any major deviations noticed in this regard may result in cancellation of the
batches at the centers. It is the responsibility of the Affiliated Training Partner to ensure the same
d) Admissions & Course Conducting
- Scheme mandates training for 60% General and 40% Reserved category candidates (15% SC,
7.5%ST, 17.5% EWS). However as all States do not have SCs or STs, the overall ratio of General
v/s Reserved Category should be maintained in the Scheme for each Level.
- If sufficient number of candidates are not available in any category, then with due approval from
respective SIA, these seats may be filled with candidates from SC/ST/EWS in that order as
- The Training Partner would be responsible for the admission process subject to adhering to the
eligibility norms for the students. The Training Partner needs to ensure that candidates meet the
minimum eligibility criteria to undertake training for the respective course.
- The procedure for registration of students would be via the ESDM Skill Development portal.
- All the records, certificates of qualifications would be kept as hard copy with the TP for future use. It
would be the responsibility of the Training Partner to maintain the necessary records.
- TP will adhere to the batch size specified by the SIA under each Course and Level.
- A TP should ensure that such candidates get enrolled who are willing to get employed / Self-
Employed (applicable in Repair/ Maintenance courses only) and an undertaking to this effect would
be taken from the students at the time of registration.
- A TP should ensure that that a student who has been a beneficiary of the STAR Scheme of Govt. of
India should not be enrolled and an undertaking to this effect should be taken from the students at
the time of registration.
- TP should ensure that the candidates have a valid Aadhaar number so that the uniqueness of the
beneficiary can be maintained.
- It would be the responsibility of the training partner to provide the course content/ training material /
books/ reading/study material, as necessary, to the students in their centers.
- At all times, the Training Partner should not sub-franchise the training. Any such activity found will
be considered as non-compliance and may result in de-affiliation of the Training Partner from
participating in the ESDM Skill Development Scheme.
- Affiliated Training Partner will be responsible for all aspects related to enrollment of students,
training and co-ordination with KIAs for assessments.
- The Affiliated Training Partner must ensure that the trainers are qualified and trained to provide
trainings on the relevant Courses as per norms of KIA.
- Training Center will maintain day-wise attendance record for the batch and provide it to the Assessor
during the Assessments. The attendance record should be signed by respective candidates in the
batch or maintained through an electronic/biometric attendance system
e) Assessment
- TP will be responsible for registering the candidates with the KIAs, for the examination to be held at
the end of the term.
- The Training Partner will be responsible to collect the Assessment fees from the students, and
deposit the same to the KIA (NIELIT/ESSC/TSSC as the case may be) within 5 working days of
starting of the training.
- Affiliated Training Partners are required to upload the details of batch on Day 1 of the batch start
date. The Assessment fees in respect of the enrolled batch should be transferred to the KIAs within 5
working days of starting of the training.
- For the reimbursement of training-course fees , to be successfully transferred to the TP account,
Bank details should be indicated.
- In order to claim the reimbursement of the course fees, upon successful certification of the student, it
is the responsibility of the Training Partner to raise request for fund transfer from the SIA, based on
the category of the student, subject to approval of the respective KIA.
- Affiliated Training Partners must only facilitate the assessment process conducted by an independent
assessment agency at their training centers. Under no circumstance should they be seen entering into
any 'unfair' arrangement with the assessor or assessment agency.
- In the event of discovery of any malpractice on this account, the Key Implementing Agencies may
choose to de-affiliate the Training Partner and it may also result in debarring the Training Partner
from further participating in the ESDM Skill Development Scheme.
- Training Partner must ensure that all trainees in the batch carry their photo-ID cards on the day of
assessment. The permissible photo-IDs that a candidate can carry for the assessment are voter ID
card, passport, driving license, PAN card, Aadhaar card, identity card provided by school/college
etc. Without the photo-ID card, the assessor may choose not to assess the particular candidate
- In case of any grievance of the training partner with the SIA, the training partner should approach
KIA and then PMU for grievance redressal.
f) Facilitating Placements of certified candidates
- Training Partner will be responsible for facilitating placement of trainees at the centers.
- Training Partners are expected to achieve a minimum 70% placement percentage for their certified
- The placement parameters are kept as minimum of 70% of the pass-out candidates for 100% fee
reimbursement by training provider; and per candidate employed for below 70% employment.
- Placement details have to be mandatorily entered on the ESDM Skill Development Portal post
placements of the candidates.
- The TP has to track the placement of the candidate for at least two months before putting in the
request for fee reimbursement from PMU.
- In case of Self Employment, a certificate of self employment may be obtained from the candidate for
reimbursement of fee purposes. The details of self-employment like place of work, contact details
etc are to be provided.
- After 2 months of the employment of the first student of a respective batch, Training Partner to
submit the offer letter/Certificate of Self-employment along with proof of continued
employment/Self-Employment (e.g. Salary slips/ Bank statement of candidate showing salary
transfer / Salary or Income certificate of at least 2 months) in order to claim the reimbursement.
- As the success of the scheme is measured in terms of placement, the TP will ensure liaison with local
industry and may even go for the 'place and train' methodology.
g) Non-Compliance to Guidelines
Any non-compliance to the above guidelines or any malpractice during mobilization, enrolments,
conduct of training, facilitating assessment, communication on the ESDM Skill Development
Scheme by the Training Partner will be placed before the Co-ordination Committee comprising of
MD/CEOs of the three KIAs viz. ESSCI, NIELIT and TSSC and may result in cancellation of the
batch and strict action against the Affiliated Training Partner, with potential case for de-
affiliation/blacklisting from participating under the ESDM Skill Development Scheme
Process Owner : Training Partner
a) Enrollment of students by TP
Step Number |
Activity Brief |
Responsibility |
Remarks(if any) |
1 |
Training Partner to get affiliated with KIAs based on affiliation norms of respective KIAs |
TP |
2 |
Training Partner to publicize the scheme and the batch details to mobilize trainees, SIA will also be responsible for mobilization of students and publicizing the scheme. |
TP / SIA |
3 |
Training Partners to intimate and seek approval of respective KIA regarding students and batch formation. |
`TP |
4 |
Allocation of batch size based on courses for which TP is affiliated with KIAs. TP will adhere to the batch size specified by the SIA under each Course and Level. |
SIA needs to allocate the batch size. However in case of delay from SIA(within 10 working days of receiving request from KIAs) in allocation and TPs affiliated to KIAs ready with students, PMU may give go ahead. |
5 |
The Training Partner wouldbe responsible for the admission process subject to adhering to the eligibility norms for the students. |
TP |
TP is free to apply any fair mechanismsuch as entrance exam, aptitude test, first come first serve, higher marks etc in order to select candidates in case of higher number of applications. |
6 |
Training Partner to begin enrolment in the approved course for a particular batch |
TP |
Enrolment to be done via ESDM Skill Development Portal |
7 |
Scheme mandates training for 60% General and 40% Reserved category candidates (15% SC, 7.5%ST, 17.5% EWS). If sufficient number of candidates are not available in any category, then with due approval from respective SIA, these seats may be filled with candidates from SC/ST/EWS in that order as applicable |
TP |
Training Partners to route request to SIAs through KIAs. |
8 |
Training Partner to collect Assessment Fees from all candidates of all categories (General, SC/ ST / EWS), at the time of enrolment, based on the Assessment fees of the Course depending on the Level (L1-L5) as per Scheme. |
TP |
9 |
Training partnerto transferthe cumulative assessment fee to the respective KIAs within 5 working days of starting of the training of the batch. |
TP |
See Process “Submission of fees assessment to KIAs” for more details |
10 |
25% of the training / course fees cost for General Category candidates would be borne by the candidate/TP or jointly. TP to collect course fees according. TP is notallowed to charge any training feesfromcandidatesof SC/ST/EWSCategory. |
TP |
11 |
The TP needs to maintain all the necessary records, certificates of qualifications, student category certificate etc as hard copy for future use/audit. |
TP |
b) Submission of fees assessment to KIAs
Step Number |
Activity Brief |
Responsibility |
Remarks(if any) |
1 |
Training Partner to collect Assessment Fees from all candidates of all categories (General, SC/ ST / EWS), at the time of enrolment, based on the Assessment fees of the Course depending on the Level (L1-L5) as per Scheme |
TP |
2 |
Training Partner to share information and seek approval on training batches with KIAs . Training partners to also upload relevant details on ESDM Skill Development Portal at the time of creating the batch. |
TP |
3 |
Training partner to transfer the cumulative assessment fee to the respective KIAs within 5 working days of start of training of the batch. |
TP |
Only Assessment Fees is required to be transferred to KIAs. |
4 |
Training partner to update the ESDM SKILL DEVELOPMENT PORTAL with Assessment Fee transferred, NEFT transaction number and the date of transfer |
TP |
KIAs can verify these details based on the actual bank transfer made |
c) Conduct Training
Step Number |
Activity Brief |
Responsibility |
Remarks(if any) |
1 |
Training Partner to Mobilize students, get batch allocation done and conduction of enrolment of students. |
TP |
See Process “Enrollment of students by TP” for more details |
2 |
Training partner to schedule batch start date and end date and a proposed exam date (subject to approval from respective KIA) at ESDM Skill Development Portal. |
TP |
3 |
Training Partner to mobilize/identify trainers for batch at the training centre |
TP |
4 |
Training Partner shall provide training in accordance with the Course syllabus. |
TP |
It would be the responsibility of the training partner to provide the course content/ training material / books/ reading/study material, as necessary, to the students in their centers |
5 |
Training Center will maintain day-wise attendance record for the batch and provide it to the Assessor during the Assessments. The attendance record should be maintained through an electronic/biometric attendance system |
TP |
d) Facilitate conduct of Assessment process
Step Number |
Activity Brief |
Responsibility |
Remarks(if any) |
1 |
As soon as a batch is enrolled and the TP informs the KIA about the assessment to be conducted at the end of the course, the KIA should work on the smooth conduct of examination. The examination should be held within 2 weeks of completion of training |
Assessment of a course would be done only by the owning KIA and All assessment mechanism would be as per the Assessment norms of the respective KIA |
2 |
KIA allocates Assessor(s) to conduct assessment at the Training Center location |
The KIA must certify that the Assessor has the ability to conduct assessments and is aware of the ESDM Skill Development Scheme |
3 |
KIA contacts Training Partner to confirm details of assessment (assessment date, location, etc.) |
KIA needs to ensure that backup Assessors are available and the Assessments are not cancelled due to the lack of a certified Assessor at the last minute |
4 |
On day of assessment, Assessor(s) reaches the Training Centre location to conduct theory / practical assessment at scheduled time |
Assessor |
Assessor only brings along Assessment sheets for the Assessment |
5 |
Training Partner makes all arrangements (raw material, lab facilities, infrastructure setup) for the Assessor to conduct the assessment |
TP |
6 |
Assessor will mandatorily check the Attendance Register/Printout of the Biometric Attendance for the batch, and provide a copy to the respective KIA along with the Assessment results |
TP |
7 |
Assessor will mandatorily check the photo-IDs of the trainees before the Assessment is conducted. The permissible photo-IDs that a candidate can carry for the assessment are voter ID card, passport, driving license, PAN card, Aadhaar card, identity card provided by school/college etc. The Assessor may choose to not conduct the assessment for a particular candidate in case of lack of his/her photo-ID proof during the assessment |
Assessor |
8 |
Assessor(s) conducts the assessment in accordance with the Assessment guidelines and questions prepared by KIAs. |
Assessor |
For State Implementing Agency (SIA)
a) General
- Implement the skill development initiative.
- Ensure that the deliverables of the project are achieved in a time bound manner
- SIA would tie-up with various industries, KIAs, Skill providers both in Govt. and private sectors to participate in the scheme implementation.
- SIA need to interact and collaborate with the Key Implementing Agencies viz. ESSCI/ NIELIT/ TSSC only, which would then collaborate with the respective identified / accredited/ affiliated training partners for organizing the training. The allotment of batches to the respective Agency needs to be indicated to the Key Implementing Agencies.
- The SIA will ensure facilitating sharing of resources like labs, workshops etc, if the need arises, for the Training Partners.
- SIA will maintain the overall chart of the skilling taking place in the State. This should be inline with the scheme document.
- The reservation is as SC-15%; ST-7.5%; EWS-17.5%. However if sufficient number of candidates are not available in any category, they may be filled with candidates from SC/ST/EWS in that order as applicable, with due approval from respective SIA (which can seek approval from PMU)
- SIA will work out collaboration/coordination details with Govt. training/educational institutions/schools so as to ensure that their students join the training programs offered under the ESDM Scheme.
- SIAs may propose new courses, to be added to the approved list of courses, based on demand and employability prospects to DeitY and PMU, in the format as per Appendix. The SIAs may send the details of the courses along with the detailed justification for inclusion based on the demand and employability perspective. All the proposed courses would be put up before the Expert Committee for recommendations and approval
- In order to ensure employment of the students/youth trained under this Scheme, the SIA will liaise, interact, coordinate with the local industry and work out a placement mechanism. They will also organize events like Job Fairs periodically to facilitate the trainees and the Industry for placement of trained candidates.
- SIA will help the Key Implementing Agencies and TPs in coordination and tie-up with industry for training and placement.
- The SIA will hold workshops for public awareness and mobilization of the students for training under this scheme.
- In case of any grievance of the SIA, the SIA should approach the PMU for grievance redressal.
b) Financials
1. 60% seats of the total seats at each Level are meant for the General Candidates
2. 40% seats will be reserved for the students belonging to SC/ST/EWS categories.
3. The reservation quota as specified in the scheme document is SC-15%; ST-7.5%; EWS-17.5%.
4. Criteria for EWS Category: The annual family income of the candidate should not be more than Rs 2 lakh in order to be eligible for EWS Category. Any certificate recognized by State/UT administration shall be acceptable.
5. Assistance for Overhead & Placement @ 10% of skilling Assistance is available with the SIA.
6. After signing the MoU, a token amount of 25% of the first year funds for overhead/placement cost would be released to the SIA, as first installment. This fund is to be used for initiating the implementation, monitoring, advertisement and placement.
7. Training Fees : -
a) General Candidates:
- 25% training fees to be collected by the Training Partner upon enrolment of the student. The training partner is free to bear / share (with student) this cost or provide credit facility to the students if they so desire. DeitY would have no bearing on the mutual arrangement between the Training partner and the student in this regard.
- 75% of the training fee would be payable by DeitY for the successfully certified candidates. This would be reimbursed from the SIA to the Training Partner, subject to approval of respective KIA and subject to meeting the employability norms set under the Scheme.
b) Reserved Candidates (SC/ ST/EWS):
- 100% of the training fee would be payable by DeitY for the successfully certified candidates. This would be reimbursed from the SIA to the Training Partner, subject to approval of respective KIA and subject to meeting the employability norms set under the Scheme.
8. Subsequently, depending on target achieved (candidates clearing the certification examination of KIAs and their placement) the amount would be released on quarterly basis subject to receipt of UC of previous grants.
For Key Implementing Agency
a) General
1. ESSCI , NIELIT and TSSC are the Key Implementing Agency and have the following roles :
- Accreditation/ Affiliation of Training Partners
- To prepare Accreditation guidelines.
- To prepare norms for periodic monitoring and assessment of the quality of training partners/accredited institutions.
- To prepare a competency based curriculum that would be applicable to this Scheme.
- To finalize courses at all levels, fix minimum duration at each level as per scheme guidelines.
- Standard courses conducted by ITIs, other Govt. training institutions can also be included.
- The Training partner selection/identification is the role of KIA.
- A database of the STAR scheme beneficiaries would be provided to KIAs so that KIAs could check duplicity of candidates, who have already availed benefits under STAR scheme, at the time of registration by matching with the Aadhaar Credentials. It would be the responsibility of KIAs to ensure this since any student who has been a beneficiary of any other similar skill development scheme of the Government of India, such as STAR Scheme etc, are not allowed to benefit from this scheme.
- The list of all Training Partners must be shared with DeitY and PMU. These details will be made available on DeitY and ESDM Skill Development Portal. Only these centers will be permitted to conduct training under the ESDM Skill Development Scheme. In case of any deviation in this case, the batches at other centers not on this list will be cancelled, and the Affiliated Training Partner will be held responsible for the cancellation
- To prepare a mechanism and standard norms for delivery, assessment and certification for various courses.
- To fix the scheduled date of the examination.
- To assess and certify the competence acquired at each level. The KIA will ensure free and fair examination
- All candidates trained by various agencies will acquire certificate by NIELIT or ESSCI or TSSC (with GoI logo) to become eligible for financial assistance.
b) Financials
1. The KIAs would get the assessment fees of all enrolled students from the training partners within 5 working days of starting of training.
2. Training Fees : -
a) General Candidates : -
- 25% training fees to be collected by the Training Partner upon enrolment of the student. The training partner is free to bear / share (with student) this cost or provide credit facility to the students if they so desire. DeitY would have no bearing on the mutual arrangement between the Training partner and the student in this regard.
- 75% of the training fee would be payable by DeitY for the successfully certified candidates. This would be reimbursed from the PMU to the TP, subject to approval from respective KIA and subject to meeting the employability norms set under the Scheme.
b) Reserved Candidates (SC/ ST/EWS):
- 100% of the training fee would be payable by DeitY for the successfully certified candidates. This would be reimbursed from SIA to the TP, subject to approval from respective KIA and subject to meeting the employability norms set under the Scheme.
c) Pre-Assessment
- KIAs must develop the Assessment Criteria for the courses and finalize the assessment methodology. The assessment methodology must cover aspects related to theory, practical and viva, and must indicate the mode of conducting the assessment components, and the minimum number of questions for each candidate's assessment
- The KIAs must share the details of all the certified assessors with DeitY and PMU Team. A certified assessor cannot conduct assessments until DeitY and PMU team have received his/her details along with their certification details. These details will also be made available on the ESDM Skill Development Portal.
- The KIAs must certify that the Assessor has the ability to conduct assessments and is aware of the ESDM Skill Development Scheme
- KIAs must ensure that a Certified Assessor is made available on the proposed date of assessment. In case of a lack of assessor on the particular date, the same must be communicated with the Training Partner at least 2 weeks prior to the proposed date and an alternate date must be finalized through mutual consent. This change of date should be reflected on ESDM Skill Development Portal.
- KIAs needs to ensure that backup Assessors are available and the Assessments are not cancelled due to the lack of a certified Assessor at the last minute
d) Assessment
- It would be the responsibility of the Key Implementing Agency to notify the details of the accredited Training Partner(s) to the SIA.
- Assessment of a course would be done only by the owning KIA.
- As soon as a batch is enrolled and the TP informs the respective KIA about the assessment to be
conducted at the end of the course, the KIA should work on the smooth conduct of examination. The examination should be held within weeks of completion of training.
- All assessment mechanism would be as per the Assessment norms of the respective KIAs viz. ESSCI / NIELIT / TSSC.
- KIAs needs to ensure that theory question papers for every Course must be randomized from the Question Bank.
- In case the assessment is conducted online or through a digital system (such as tablet), efforts must be made available to have the language preferences given by the trainees of the batch to be assessed
- Assessor will mandatorily carry his/her photo identity for the assessment.
- Assessor will mandatorily check the Attendance Register/Printout of the Biometric Attendance for the batch, and provide a copy to the respective KIA along with the Assessment results.
- Assessor will mandatorily check the photo-IDs of the trainees before the Assessment is conducted. The permissible photo-IDs that a candidate can carry for the assessment are voter ID card, passport, driving license, PAN card, Aadhaar card, identity card provided by school/college etc. The Assessor may choose to not conduct the assessment for a particular candidate in case of lack of his/her photo-ID proof during the assessment
- In case it is found that an Assessor is looking to enter into any undue arrangements during the assessment process, he/she may be blacklisted and debarred from conducting any future assessments under the ESDM Skill Development Scheme.
- In case it is found that the designated Certified Assessor deputes a non-certified assessor to conduct an assessment on his/her behalf, the Certified Assessor may be blacklisted and debarred from conducting any future assessments. Reassessment will be conducted at the Training Center at no additional cost to the Training Partner. The KIA will be required to bear the costs for reassessment.
- Any non-compliance to the above guidelines or any malpractice during assessments may result in strict action against the defaulting agency/individual, with potential case for de-affiliation/blacklisting from participating under the ESDM Skill Development Scheme
- It is expected that the Training Partner has transferred the Assessment fees to the KIAs within 5 working days of the batch start.
- KIA has to assign the batch to an Assessor/ Assessing Body within 5 days of the batch being assigned to them.
- KIA has to ensure that assessment results are uploaded on ESDM Skill Development Portal within 5 working days of the assessment being conducted.
- To professionally manage and support DeitY in implementation and monitoring of the scheme in the identified States/UTs.
- To operate and manage the scheme in all States/UTs including transfer of funds to the various implementing agencies in a transparent manner.
Assessment /Examination Fees : -
- PMU is responsible to transfer 100% of the Certification fees , directly to the Student via DBT, after due certification of the General Category candidate
- PMU is responsible to transfer 100% of the Certification fees, directly to the Student via DBT, after due certification of the candidate belonging to SC/ST/EWS Category.
- Facilitate creation of awareness regarding the scheme.
- Mobilize various stakeholders thru print and electronic media, workshops, seminars etc.
- Facilitate development of PORTAL being created by NIELIT, for capturing various data from the Implementing Agencies, bring out periodic progress report, collect data for monitoring the scheme etc.
- Facilitate impact assessment of the scheme to be carried out thru a third party like IIM in the 3rd year of the scheme. As a follow-up of this assessment, work-out mid-course corrections, if any, to be carried out for consideration of PRSG.
- Ensure that the scheme is implemented as per the guidelines specified by DeitY.
- Facilitate the meetings of the Expert Committee, Co-ordination Committee, and PRSG etc.
Process Owner : KIA
a) Issue of Certificate
Step Number |
Activity Brief |
Responsibility |
Remarks(if any) |
1 |
Assessment of a course is conducted. |
See Process “Facilitateconductof Assessment process” for more details regarding Facilitation of assessment |
2 |
KIA to upload assessment results on ESDM Skill Development Portal within 5 working days of the assessment being conducted |
3 |
The respective KIAs would issue certificates to students passing out in courses owned by the respective KIA within 5 working days of the results. |
KIAs to use the common template assigning Serial Number, unique to each KIA , duly signed by the authorized signatory of the respective KIA |
Process Owner : KIA / SIA
a) Identification of Courses
Step Number |
Activity Brief |
Responsibility |
Remarks(if any) |
1 |
SIAs / KIAs can propose new courses, to be added to the approved list of courses, based on demand and employability prospects to DeitY and PMU, in the format as per Appendix |
All SIAs/ KIAs to ensure sharing new courses by end of each Quarter viz. last working day of March, June, September, December |
2 |
PMU to compile all the courses and share the courses to Technical Core Committee for Review within 5 working days of end of each Quarter. |
3 |
PMU to call meeting of Technical Core Committee within 5 working days of step 2. |
4 |
Technical Core Committee to discuss merits of each course viz. to check for relevance to ESDM Sector, duplicity of course w.r.t. earlier approved courses, suitability and thereafter Reject and/or Recommend courses accordingly |
TechnicalCore Committee / PMU |
5 |
PMU to convene Co-ordination Committee Meeting at the earliest, preferably within 3 working days of Technical Core Committee Recommendations |
6 |
Co-ordination Committee to discuss and suitably approve the recommendations of the Technical Core Committee. |
Co-ordination Committee / PMU |
7 |
Recommendations of Co-ordination Committee to be shared to Expert Committee for final recommendation |
PMU / Expert Committee |
8 |
Upon approval of Recommendations of Co-ordination Committee, PMU to notify all SIA / KIA about the new approved courses along with detailed syllabus |
Process: Training Fees
Step Number |
Activity Brief |
Responsibility |
1 |
No training fees to be collected from candidates of SC/ST/EWS Category. |
TP |
2 |
25% of the training / course fees cost for General Category candidates would be borne by the candidate/TP or jointly. TP to collect course fees according. |
TP |
3 |
Condition for Training Fees Reimbursement: The placement parameters are kept as minimum of 70% of the pass-out candidates for 100% fee reimbursement by training provider; and per candidate employed for below 70% employment (on actual placement basis till 70%) |
The TP has to
of the
for at
two months
before putting in the request for fee
from PMU |
4 |
After 2 months of the employment of the first student of a respective batch, Training Partner to submit the offer letter/Certificate of Self- employment along with proof of continued employment/Self- Employment (e.g. Salary slips/ Bank statement of candidate showing salary transfer / Salary or Income certificate of at least 2 months) in order to claim the reimbursement. |
TP |
5 |
Training Partner to submit the above documents to KIAs and seek approval from the respective KIA |
TP |
6 |
After approval from KIA, Training partner to submit the above approved documents to SIA in order to claim reimbursement of the training fees. |
TP |
7 |
Upon receipt of the relevant details, SIA to transfer the training fees to TP, subject to approval from respective KIA, within 5 working days of receipt of reimbursement request. |
8 |
The Training Partner can submit claim for reimbursement after an interval of 2 months from the last claim made. |
TP |
9 |
Once the Training Partner submits proof of placement of 70% of the pass-out candidates, the Training Partner can seek reimbursement for training fees for 100% of the pass-out candidates |
TP |
Process: Certification Fees
Step Number |
Activity Brief |
Responsibility |
1 |
Training Partner to collect Assessment Fees from all candidates of all categories (General, SC/ ST / EWS), at the time of enrolment, based on the Assessment fees of the Course depending on the Level (L1-L5) as per Scheme |
2 |
Training partner to transfer the cumulative assessment fee to the respective KIA within 5 working days of starting of the training of the batch |
TP |
3 |
Training partner to update the ESDM SKILL DEVELOPMENT PORTAL with Assessment Fee transferred NEFT transaction number and the date of transfer. KIA can verify these details based on the actual bank transfer made |
TP , KIA |
4 |
Upon successful certification of the candidate, KIA to notify the result to PMU through the ESDM Skill Development Portal |
5 |
For the successfully certified candidates, PMU to transfer 100% of the examination fees belonging to General Category and 100% of the examination fees belonging to SC/ST/EWS Category. This would be transferred to the candidate account through DBT |
Guidelines and Process Flow for implementation of Scheme for Skill Development in
ESDM for Digital India Download
For Students
a) General
- The Scheme is proposed to target students studying at IX/X standard onwards, ITI, Polytechnic,
under-graduate (non-engineering) and also unemployed youth who are school dropouts from 8
onwards, ITI Certificate or Diploma holders, graduates from non-engineering background,
registrants in Employment Exchanges.
- The student can enroll at any of the 5 Levels (L1 to L5) specified, subject to meeting the minimum
eligibility criteria, as below:
Level |
(L1-L2) |
(L3) |
(L4) |
technician (L5) |
Entry at |
VIIIth pass |
10th pass |
graduates |
Diploma/B.Sc. |
Course fee |
Rs 5000/- |
Rs 10,000/- |
Rs 12,000/- |
Rs 15,000/- |
fees / Re-appear
sessment) Fees |
Rs 500/- |
Rs 1000/- |
Rs 1500/- |
Rs 2000/- |
Courses |
The courses under the Scheme would be approved by an Expert Committee setup
by DeitY. These courses would be conducted by three Key Implementing
Agencies (KIA) viz. ESSCI, NIELIT, TSSC through their own centers/ affiliated
Training Partners as per list. The current list of approved courses can be found at http://deity.gov.in/sites/upload_files/dit/files/List%20of%20Courses%20for%20ESDM.pdf |
- The approved courses will be available for training under this Scheme. These courses would be
conducted by three Key Implementing Agencies viz. ESSCI, NIELIT, TSSC through their own
centers/ affiliated Training Partners as per list. The list of centers/ affiliated Training Partners is
available on DeitY's website at http://deity.gov.in/esdm/hrd.
- The courses under the Scheme are for upgrading the skills and/or acquiring new skills.
- The courses can be taken-up as full-time or part-time module, as offered by the approved training
- All students need to ensure they have a valid Aadhaar Number. In case a student doesn't have
Aadhaar, he/she may get enrolled at the nearest Aadhaar/NPR enrolment Centers. Candidates may
also approach any of the NIELIT Centers or nearby CSC for Aadhaar Enrolment.
- A student who has been a beneficiary of the STAR Scheme of Govt. of India would not be
considered as beneficiary under the Scheme. Each candidate would be required to submit an
undertaking, that he/she has not taken the benefit of STAR Scheme, to the Training Partner at the
time of registration/enrolment.
- The candidate should not be less than 18 years of age as the scheme is for promoting of trained
candidates in the industry recognized skills.
- When a student decides to enroll for a course under this Scheme, he/she should approach the nearest
Affiliated Training Partner. The list of Training Partners will be available on the ESDM Skill
Development Portal as well as DeitY's website at http://deity.gov.in/esdm/hrd
- The Training Partners, depending on the eligibility and suitability of the candidate will carry out
his/her enrollment in a particular course. After enrolling for the course, the student will be required
to undergo the training for the prescribed duration of the course. After completion of training, each
student should undergo an examination/ assessment to be conducted by an approved KIA. The
examination will have two components - theory and practical
- Each candidate should be willing to get employed / Self-Employed (applicable in Repair/
Maintenance courses only). Each candidate would be required to submit an undertaking to this effect
to the Training Partner at the time of registration/enrolment.
- The examination norms (Examination duration, number of questions, online or offline, theory vs.
practical breakup etc) would be as per the norms of the KIA of the specific course.
- A student who is unable to pass the exam in the initial attempt will be eligible to apply for re-appear
cycle. A candidate will be allowed only two re-appear attempts
- The student will have to pay the prescribed examination/assessment fees to the TP for every
attempt. The student would be eligible to obtain the refund for one time only, upon his/her successful
certification and the necessary amount due to him/her would be transferred to his account through
- A student is eligible to get benefit under this scheme only once. Under no circumstance any student
will be allowed to enroll for a second course.
- In case of any grievance of the student with the training partner, the student should approach the
State Implementing Agency (SIA)/respective Key Implementing Agency viz. ESSCI, NIELIT, TSSC
for grievance redressal. In case it is not satisfactorily resolved within 1 month they may approach the
PMU at DeitY.
b) Financials
1. 60% seats of the total seats at each Level are meant for the General Candidates
2. 40% seats will be reserved for the students belonging to SC/ST/EWS categories.
3. The reservation quota as specified in the scheme document is SC-15%; ST-7.5%; EWS-17.5%.
4. Criteria for EWS Category: The annual family income of the candidate should not be more than Rs 2
lakh in order to be eligible for EWS Category. Any certificate recognized by State/UT administration
shall be acceptable.
5. Training Fees : -
a) General Candidates:
- 25% training fees to be paid to the Training Partner upon enrolment. The training partner is
free to bear / share (with student) this cost or provide credit facility to the students if they so
desire. DeitY would have no bearing on the mutual arrangement between the Training
partner and the student in this regard.
- 75% of the training fee would be payable by DeitY for the successfully certified candidates.
This would be reimbursed to the Training Partner, subject to approval from respective KIA
and subject to meeting the employability norms set under the Scheme.
b) Reserved Candidates (SC/ ST/EWS):
- 100% of the training fee would be payable by DeitY for the successfully certified
candidates. This would be reimbursed to the Training Partner, subject to meeting the
employability norms set under the Scheme
6. Examination/ Assessment Fees : -
a) General Candidates
- All students will have to initially pay the registration-cum-examination fees at the time of
enrolment with the Training Partner.
- The student will have to pay the prescribed examination/assessment fees to the TP for every
- The student would be eligible to obtain the refund for one time only, upon his/her successful
certification and the necessary amount due to him/her would be transferred to his account
through DBT.
- 75% of the examination fees would be payable by DeitY for the successfully certified
candidates. This would be transferred to the candidate account through DBT.
b) Reserved Candidates (SC/ ST/EWS):
- All students will have to initially pay the registration-cum-examination fees at the time of
enrolment with the Training Partner.
- The student will have to pay the prescribed examination/assessment fees to the TP for every
- The student would be eligible to obtain the refund for one time only, upon his/her successful
certification and the necessary amount due to him/her would be transferred to his account
through DBT.
- 100% of the examination fees would be payable by DeitY for the successfully certified
candidates. This would be transferred to the candidate account through DBT.
For Training Partners
a) General
- Training Partner is an important link in the implementation of the skill development initiative. The
TP is responsible for mobilization of students in active collaboration with State Implementing
- The Scheme parameters are as follows:
Level |
(L1-L2) |
(L3) |
(L4) |
technician (L5) |
Entry at |
VIIIth pass |
10th pass |
graduates |
Diploma/B.Sc. |
Course fee |
Rs 5000/- |
Rs 10,000/- |
Rs 12,000/- |
Rs 15,000/- |
fees / Re-appear
sessment) Fees |
Rs 500/- |
Rs 1000/- |
Rs 1500/- |
Rs 2000/- |
Courses |
The courses under the Scheme would be approved by an Expert Committee setup
by DeitY. These courses would be conducted by three Key Implementing
Agencies (KIA) viz. ESSCI, NIELIT, TSSC through their own centers/ affiliated
Training Partners as per list. The current list of approved courses can be found at http://deity.gov.in/sites/upload_files/dit/files/List%20of%20Courses%20for%20ESDM.pdf |
- The courses may be offered as full-time or part-time module in classroom mode only.
- The batch size is recommended to be of 20-30 candidates as per the norms specified by the
respective Key Implementing Agency viz. ESSCI, NIELIT, TSSC. Multiple batches to be created in
case of larger enrollments.
- The approval to conduct the training with a batch size will be provided by the SIA through the Key
Implementing Agencies.
- A TP can be affiliated with one or more KIA at the same time, provided the affiliation is for different
courses. Only affiliated Training Partners from respective KIA are allowed to conduct the approved
training courses. Only Affiliated training partner can be affiliated to more than one KIA.
- Any assessor/trainer associated with the scheme in whatever capacity with any KIA will
compulsorily have to be a certified assessor/trainer respectively for the course being delivered by the
training partner.
b) Financials
1. 60% seats of the total seats at each Level are meant for the General Candidates
2. 40% seats will be reserved for the students belonging to SC/ST/EWS categories.
3. The reservation quota as specified in the scheme document is SC-15%; ST-7.5%; EWS-17.5%.
4. Criteria for EWS Category: The annual family income of the candidate should not be more than Rs 2
lakh in order to be eligible for EWS Category. Any certificate recognized by State/UT administration
shall be acceptable.
5. Training Fees : -
a) General Candidates:
- 25% training fees to be collected by the Training Partner upon enrolment of the student. The
training partner is free to bear this cost or provide credit facility to the students if they so
desire. DeitY would have no bearing on the mutual arrangement between the Training
partner and the student in this regard.
- 75% of the training fee would be payable by DeitY for the successfully certified candidates.
This would be reimbursed from the PMU to the Training Partner, subject to approval from
respective KIA and subject to meeting the employability norms set under the Scheme.
b) Reserved Candidates (SC/ ST/EWS):
- 100% of the training fee would be payable by DeitY for the successfully certified
candidates. This would be reimbursed from the PMU to the Training Partner, subject to
approval from respective KIA and subject to meeting the employability norms set under the
6. Examination/ Assessment Fees : -
a) General Candidates:
- Every enrolled student would be required to pay for examination / assessment fees to the
Training Partners at the time of enrolment.
- The student will have to pay the prescribed examination/assessment fees to the TP for every
- The Training Partner should transfer the Assessment fees in respect of the enrolled batch to
the KIAs within 5 working days of starting of the training.
- The student would be eligible to obtain the refund for one time only, upon his/her successful
certification and the necessary amount due to him/her would be transferred to his account
through DBT.
b) Reserved Candidates (SC/ ST/EWS):
- Every enrolled student would be required to pay for examination / assessment fees to the
Training Partners at the time of enrolment.
- The student will have to pay the prescribed examination/assessment fees to the TP for every
- The Training Partner should transfer the Assessment fees in respect of the enrolled batch to
the KIAs within 5 working days of starting of the training.
- The student would be eligible to obtain the refund for one time only, upon his/her successful
certification and the necessary amount due to him/her would be transferred to his account
through DBT.
7. All fees is inclusive of all taxes, as and when applicable. No amount, over and above the prescribed limits at each level , as indicated in the Scheme, shall be payable by DeitY
c) Affiliation
- The TP can apply for affiliation with any of the three KIAs. Affiliation will be course and center
specific, which means that the TP can apply for affiliation under a particular level and for a specific
course, as per prescribed norms, as applicable.
- The Training Partner needs to adhere to the accreditation norms of the KIAs viz.ESSCI / TSSC /
NIELIT with whom the TP is affiliated. The ratio of quantity of requisite training infrastructure to
number of students would be as per the accreditation norms of KIA.
- All Training Partners must have the requisite training infrastructure to conduct the training for the
particular course. Any major deviations noticed in this regard may result in cancellation of the
batches at the centers. It is the responsibility of the Affiliated Training Partner to ensure the same
d) Admissions & Course Conducting
- Scheme mandates training for 60% General and 40% Reserved category candidates (15% SC,
7.5%ST, 17.5% EWS). However as all States do not have SCs or STs, the overall ratio of General
v/s Reserved Category should be maintained in the Scheme for each Level.
- If sufficient number of candidates are not available in any category, then with due approval from
respective SIA, these seats may be filled with candidates from SC/ST/EWS in that order as
- The Training Partner would be responsible for the admission process subject to adhering to the
eligibility norms for the students. The Training Partner needs to ensure that candidates meet the
minimum eligibility criteria to undertake training for the respective course.
- The procedure for registration of students would be via the ESDM Skill Development portal.
- All the records, certificates of qualifications would be kept as hard copy with the TP for future use. It
would be the responsibility of the Training Partner to maintain the necessary records.
- TP will adhere to the batch size specified by the SIA under each Course and Level.
- A TP should ensure that such candidates get enrolled who are willing to get employed / Self-
Employed (applicable in Repair/ Maintenance courses only) and an undertaking to this effect would
be taken from the students at the time of registration.
- A TP should ensure that that a student who has been a beneficiary of the STAR Scheme of Govt. of
India should not be enrolled and an undertaking to this effect should be taken from the students at
the time of registration.
- TP should ensure that the candidates have a valid Aadhaar number so that the uniqueness of the
beneficiary can be maintained.
- It would be the responsibility of the training partner to provide the course content/ training material /
books/ reading/study material, as necessary, to the students in their centers.
- At all times, the Training Partner should not sub-franchise the training. Any such activity found will
be considered as non-compliance and may result in de-affiliation of the Training Partner from
participating in the ESDM Skill Development Scheme.
- Affiliated Training Partner will be responsible for all aspects related to enrollment of students,
training and co-ordination with KIAs for assessments.
- The Affiliated Training Partner must ensure that the trainers are qualified and trained to provide
trainings on the relevant Courses as per norms of KIA.
- Training Center will maintain day-wise attendance record for the batch and provide it to the Assessor
during the Assessments. The attendance record should be signed by respective candidates in the
batch or maintained through an electronic/biometric attendance system
e) Assessment
- TP will be responsible for registering the candidates with the KIAs, for the examination to be held at
the end of the term.
- The Training Partner will be responsible to collect the Assessment fees from the students, and
deposit the same to the KIA (NIELIT/ESSC/TSSC as the case may be) within 5 working days of
starting of the training.
- Affiliated Training Partners are required to upload the details of batch on Day 1 of the batch start
date. The Assessment fees in respect of the enrolled batch should be transferred to the KIAs within 5
working days of starting of the training.
- For the reimbursement of training-course fees , to be successfully transferred to the TP account,
Bank details should be indicated.
- In order to claim the reimbursement of the course fees, upon successful certification of the student, it
is the responsibility of the Training Partner to raise request for fund transfer from the PMU, based on
the category of the student, subject to approval of the respective KIA.
- Affiliated Training Partners must only facilitate the assessment process conducted by an independent
assessment agency at their training centers. Under no circumstance should they be seen entering into
any 'unfair' arrangement with the assessor or assessment agency.
- In the event of discovery of any malpractice on this account, the Key Implementing Agencies may
choose to de-affiliate the Training Partner and it may also result in debarring the Training Partner
from further participating in the ESDM Skill Development Scheme.
- Training Partner must ensure that all trainees in the batch carry their photo-ID cards on the day of
assessment. The permissible photo-IDs that a candidate can carry for the assessment are voter ID
card, passport, driving license, PAN card, Aadhaar card, identity card provided by school/college
etc. Without the photo-ID card, the assessor may choose not to assess the particular candidate
- In case of any grievance of the training partner with the SIA, the training partner should approach
KIA and then PMU for grievance redressal.
f) Facilitating Placements of certified candidates
- Training Partner will be responsible for facilitating placement of trainees at the centers.
- Training Partners are expected to achieve a minimum 70% placement percentage for their certified
- The placement parameters are kept as minimum of 70% of the pass-out candidates for 100% fee
reimbursement by training provider; and per candidate employed for below 70% employment.
- Placement details have to be mandatorily entered on the ESDM Skill Development Portal post
placements of the candidates.
- The TP has to track the placement of the candidate for at least two months before putting in the
request for fee reimbursement from PMU.
- In case of Self Employment, a certificate of self employment may be obtained from the candidate for
reimbursement of fee purposes. The details of self-employment like place of work, contact details
etc are to be provided.
- After 2 months of the employment of the first student of a respective batch, Training Partner to
submit the offer letter/Certificate of Self-employment along with proof of continued
employment/Self-Employment (e.g. Salary slips/ Bank statement of candidate showing salary
transfer / Salary or Income certificate of at least 2 months) in order to claim the reimbursement.
- As the success of the scheme is measured in terms of placement, the TP will ensure liaison with local
industry and may even go for the 'place and train' methodology.
g) Non-Compliance to Guidelines
Any non-compliance to the above guidelines or any malpractice during mobilization, enrolments,
conduct of training, facilitating assessment, communication on the ESDM Skill Development
Scheme by the Training Partner will be placed before the Co-ordination Committee comprising of
MD/CEOs of the three KIAs viz. ESSCI, NIELIT and TSSC and may result in cancellation of the
batch and strict action against the Affiliated Training Partner, with potential case for de-
affiliation/blacklisting from participating under the ESDM Skill Development Scheme
Process Owner : Training Partner
a) Enrollment of students by TP
Step Number |
Activity Brief |
Responsibility |
Remarks(if any) |
1 |
Training Partner to get affiliated with KIAs based on affiliation norms of respective KIAs |
TP |
2 |
Training Partner to publicize the scheme and the batch details to mobilize trainees, SIA will also be responsible for mobilization of students and publicizing the scheme. |
TP / SIA |
3 |
Training Partners to intimate and seek approval of respective KIA regarding students and batch formation. |
`TP |
4 |
Allocation of batch size based on courses for which TP is affiliated with KIAs. TP will adhere to the batch size specified by the SIA under each Course and Level. |
SIA needs to allocate the batch size. However in case of delay from SIA(within 10 working days of receiving request from KIAs) in allocation and TPs affiliated to KIAs ready with students, PMU may give go ahead. |
5 |
The Training Partner wouldbe responsible for the admission process subject to adhering to the eligibility norms for the students. |
TP |
TP is free to apply any fair mechanismsuch as entrance exam, aptitude test, first come first serve, higher marks etc in order to select candidates in case of higher number of applications. |
6 |
Training Partner to begin enrolment in the approved course for a particular batch |
TP |
Enrolment to be done via ESDM Skill Development Portal |
7 |
Scheme mandates training for 60% General and 40% Reserved category candidates (15% SC, 7.5%ST, 17.5% EWS). If sufficient number of candidates are not available in any category, then with due approval from respective SIA, these seats may be filled with candidates from SC/ST/EWS in that order as applicable |
TP |
Training Partners to route request to SIAs through KIAs. |
8 |
Training Partner to collect Assessment Fees from all candidates of all categories (General, SC/ ST / EWS), at the time of enrolment, based on the Assessment fees of the Course depending on the Level (L1-L5) as per Scheme. |
TP |
9 |
Training partnerto transferthe cumulative assessment fee to the respective KIAs within 5 working days of starting of the training of the batch. |
TP |
See Process “Submissionoffeesassessment toKIAs” for more details |
10 |
25% of the training / course fees cost for General Category candidates would be borne by the candidate/TP or jointly. TP to collect course fees according. TP is notallowed to charge any training feesfromcandidatesof SC/ST/EWSCategory. |
TP |
11 |
The TP needs to maintain all the necessary records, certificates of qualifications, student category certificate etc as hard copy for future use/audit. |
TP |
b) Submission of fees assessment to KIAs
Step Number |
Activity Brief |
Responsibility |
Remarks(if any) |
1 |
Training Partner to collect Assessment Fees from all candidates of all categories (General, SC/ ST / EWS), at the time of enrolment, based on the Assessment fees of the Course depending on the Level (L1-L5) as per Scheme |
TP |
2 |
Training Partner to share information and seek approval on training batches with KIAs . Training partners to also upload relevant details on ESDM Skill Development Portal at the time of creating the batch. |
TP |
3 |
Training partner to transfer the cumulative assessment fee to the respective KIAs within 5 working days of start of training of the batch. |
TP |
Only Assessment Fees is required to be transferred to KIAs. |
4 |
Training partner to update the ESDM SKILL DEVELOPMENT PORTAL with Assessment Fee transferred, NEFT transaction number and the date of transfer |
TP |
KIAs can verify these details based on the actual bank transfer made |
c) Conduct Training
Step Number |
Activity Brief |
Responsibility |
Remarks(if any) |
1 |
Training Partner to Mobilize students, get batch allocation done and conduction of enrolment of students. |
TP |
See Process “Enrollment of students by TP” for more details |
2 |
Training partner to schedule batch start date and end date and a proposed exam date (subject to approval from respective KIA) at ESDM Skill Development Portal. |
TP |
3 |
Training Partner to mobilize/identify trainers for batch at the training centre |
TP |
4 |
Training Partner shall provide training in accordance with the Course syllabus. |
TP |
It would be the responsibility of the training partner to provide the course content/ training material / books/ reading/study material, as necessary, to the students in their centers |
5 |
Training Center will maintain day-wise attendance record for the batch and provide it to the Assessor during the Assessments. The attendance record should be maintained through an electronic/biometric attendance system |
TP |
d) Facilitate conduct of Assessment process
Step Number |
Activity Brief |
Responsibility |
Remarks(if any) |
1 |
As soon as a batch is enrolled and the TP informs the KIA about the assessment to be conducted at the end of the course, the KIA should work on the smooth conduct of examination. The examination should be held within 2 weeks of completion of training |
Assessment of a course would be done only by the owning KIA and All assessment mechanism would be as per the Assessment norms of the respective KIA |
2 |
KIA allocates Assessor(s) to conduct assessment at the Training Center location |
The KIA must certify that the Assessor has the ability to conduct assessments and is aware of the ESDM Skill Development Scheme |
3 |
KIA contacts Training Partner to confirm details of assessment (assessment date, location, etc.) |
KIA needs to ensure that backup Assessors are available and the Assessments are not cancelled due to the lack of a certified Assessor at the last minute |
4 |
On day of assessment, Assessor(s) reaches the Training Centre location to conduct theory / practical assessment at scheduled time |
Assessor |
Assessor only brings along Assessment sheets for the Assessment |
5 |
Training Partner makes all arrangements (raw material, lab facilities, infrastructure setup) for the Assessor to conduct the assessment |
TP |
6 |
Assessor will mandatorily check the Attendance Register/Printout of the Biometric Attendance for the batch, and provide a copy to the respective KIA along with the Assessment results |
TP |
7 |
Assessor will mandatorily check the photo-IDs of the trainees before the Assessment is conducted. The permissible photo-IDs that a candidate can carry for the assessment are voter ID card, passport, driving license, PAN card, Aadhaar card, identity card provided by school/college etc. The Assessor may choose to not conduct the assessment for a particular candidate in case of lack of his/her photo-ID proof during the assessment |
Assessor |
8 |
Assessor(s) conducts the assessment in accordance with the Assessment guidelines and questions prepared by KIAs. |
Assessor |
For State Implementing Agency (SIA)
a) General
- Implement the skill development initiative.
- Ensure that the deliverables of the project are achieved in a time bound manner
- Sign a MoU with PMU for implementation of the Scheme. The Implementing Agency will be the
single point of contact on behalf of the State/UT for DeitY and PMU.
- SIA would tie-up with various industries, KIAs, Skill providers both in Govt. and private sectors to participate in the scheme implementation.
- SIA need to interact and collaborate with the Key Implementing Agencies viz. ESSCI/ NIELIT/ TSSC only, which would then collaborate with the respective identified / accredited/ affiliated training partners for organizing the training. The allotment of batches to the respective Agency needs to be indicated to the Key Implementing Agencies.
- The SIA will ensure facilitating sharing of resources like labs, workshops etc, if the need arises, for the Training Partners.
- SIA will maintain the overall chart of the skilling taking place in the State. This should be inline with the scheme document.
- The reservation is as SC-15%; ST-7.5%; EWS-17.5%. However if sufficient number of candidates are not available in any category, they may be filled with candidates from SC/ST/EWS in that order as applicable, with due approval from respective SIA (which can seek approval from PMU)
- SIA will work out collaboration/coordination details with Govt. training/educational institutions/schools so as to ensure that their students join the training programs offered under the ESDM Scheme.
- SIAs may propose new courses, to be added to the approved list of courses, based on demand and employability prospects to DeitY and PMU, in the format as per Appendix. The SIAs may send the details of the courses along with the detailed justification for inclusion based on the demand and employability perspective. All the proposed courses would be put up before the Expert Committee for recommendations and approval
- In order to ensure employment of the students/youth trained under this Scheme, the SIA will liaise, interact, coordinate with the local industry and work out a placement mechanism. They will also organize events like Job Fairs periodically to facilitate the trainees and the Industry for placement of trained candidates.
- SIA will help the Key Implementing Agencies and TPs in coordination and tie-up with industry for training and placement.
- The SIA will hold workshops for public awareness and mobilization of the students for training under this scheme.
- In case of any grievance of the SIA, the SIA should approach the PMU for grievance redressal.
b) Financials
1. 60% seats of the total seats at each Level are meant for the General Candidates
2. 40% seats will be reserved for the students belonging to SC/ST/EWS categories.
3. The reservation quota as specified in the scheme document is SC-15%; ST-7.5%; EWS-17.5%.
4. Criteria for EWS Category: The annual family income of the candidate should not be more than Rs 2 lakh in order to be eligible for EWS Category. Any certificate recognized by State/UT administration shall be acceptable.
5. Assistance for Overhead & Placement @ 10% of skilling Assistance is available with the SIA.
6. After signing the MoU, a token amount of 25% of the first year funds for overhead/placement cost would be released to the SIA, as first installment. This fund is to be used for initiating the implementation, monitoring, advertisement and placement.
7. Training Fees : -
a) General Candidates:
- 25% training fees to be collected by the Training Partner upon enrolment of the student. The training partner is free to bear / share (with student) this cost or provide credit facility to the students if they so desire. DeitY would have no bearing on the mutual arrangement between the Training partner and the student in this regard.
- 75% of the training fee would be payable by DeitY for the successfully certified candidates. This would be reimbursed from the PMU to the Training Partner, subject to approval of respective KIA and subject to meeting the employability norms set under the Scheme.
b) Reserved Candidates (SC/ ST/EWS):
- 100% of the training fee would be payable by DeitY for the successfully certified candidates. This would be reimbursed from the PMU to the Training Partner, subject to approval of respective KIA and subject to meeting the employability norms set under the Scheme.
8. Subsequently, depending on target achieved (candidates clearing the certification examination of KIAs and their placement) the amount would be released on quarterly basis subject to receipt of UC of previous grants.
For Key Implementing Agency
a) General
1. ESSCI , NIELIT and TSSC are the Key Implementing Agency and have the following roles :
- Accreditation/ Affiliation of Training Partners
- To prepare Accreditation guidelines.
- To prepare norms for periodic monitoring and assessment of the quality of training partners/accredited institutions.
- To prepare a competency based curriculum that would be applicable to this Scheme.
- To finalize courses at all levels, fix minimum duration at each level as per scheme guidelines.
- Standard courses conducted by ITIs, other Govt. training institutions can also be included.
- The Training partner selection/identification is the role of KIA.
- A database of the STAR scheme beneficiaries would be provided to KIAs so that KIAs could check duplicity of candidates, who have already availed benefits under STAR scheme, at the time of registration by matching with the Aadhaar Credentials. It would be the responsibility of KIAs to ensure this since any student who has been a beneficiary of any other similar skill development scheme of the Government of India, such as STAR Scheme etc, are not allowed to benefit from this scheme.
- The list of all Training Partners must be shared with DeitY and PMU. These details will be made available on DeitY and ESDM Skill Development Portal. Only these centers will be permitted to conduct training under the ESDM Skill Development Scheme. In case of any deviation in this case, the batches at other centers not on this list will be cancelled, and the Affiliated Training Partner will be held responsible for the cancellation
- To prepare a mechanism and standard norms for delivery, assessment and certification for various courses.
- To fix the scheduled date of the examination.
- To assess and certify the competence acquired at each level. The KIA will ensure free and fair examination
- All candidates trained by various agencies will acquire certificate by NIELIT or ESSCI or TSSC (with GoI logo) to become eligible for financial assistance.
b) Financials
1. The KIAs would get the assessment fees of all enrolled students from the training partners within 5 working days of starting of training.
2. Training Fees : -
a) General Candidates:
- 25% training fees to be collected by the Training Partner upon enrolment of the student. The training partner is free to bear / share (with student) this cost or provide credit facility to the students if they so desire. DeitY would have no bearing on the mutual arrangement between the Training partner and the student in this regard.
- 75% of the training fee would be payable by DeitY for the successfully certified candidates. This would be reimbursed from the PMU to the TP, subject to approval from respective KIA and subject to meeting the employability norms set under the Scheme.
b) Reserved Candidates (SC/ ST/EWS):
- 100% of the training fee would be payable by DeitY for the successfully certified candidates. This would be reimbursed from PMU to the TP, subject to approval from respective KIA and subject to meeting the employability norms set under the Scheme.
c) Pre-Assessment
- KIAs must develop the Assessment Criteria for the courses and finalize the assessment methodology. The assessment methodology must cover aspects related to theory, practical and viva, and must indicate the mode of conducting the assessment components, and the minimum number of questions for each candidate's assessment
- The KIAs must share the details of all the certified assessors with DeitY and PMU Team. A certified assessor cannot conduct assessments until DeitY and PMU team have received his/her details along with their certification details. These details will also be made available on the ESDM Skill Development Portal.
- The KIAs must certify that the Assessor has the ability to conduct assessments and is aware of the ESDM Skill Development Scheme
- KIAs must ensure that a Certified Assessor is made available on the proposed date of assessment. In case of a lack of assessor on the particular date, the same must be communicated with the Training Partner at least 2 weeks prior to the proposed date and an alternate date must be finalized through mutual consent. This change of date should be reflected on ESDM Skill Development Portal.
- KIAs needs to ensure that backup Assessors are available and the Assessments are not cancelled due to the lack of a certified Assessor at the last minute
d) Assessment
- It would be the responsibility of the Key Implementing Agency to notify the details of the accredited Training Partner(s) to the SIA.
- Assessment of a course would be done only by the owning KIA.
- As soon as a batch is enrolled and the TP informs the respective KIA about the assessment to be
conducted at the end of the course, the KIA should work on the smooth conduct of examination. The examination should be held within weeks of completion of training.
- All assessment mechanism would be as per the Assessment norms of the respective KIAs viz. ESSCI / NIELIT / TSSC.
- KIAs needs to ensure that theory question papers for every Course must be randomized from the Question Bank.
- In case the assessment is conducted online or through a digital system (such as tablet), efforts must be made available to have the language preferences given by the trainees of the batch to be assessed
- Assessor will mandatorily carry his/her photo identity for the assessment.
- Assessor will mandatorily check the Attendance Register/Printout of the Biometric Attendance for the batch, and provide a copy to the respective KIA along with the Assessment results.
- Assessor will mandatorily check the photo-IDs of the trainees before the Assessment is conducted. The permissible photo-IDs that a candidate can carry for the assessment are voter ID card, passport, driving license, PAN card, Aadhaar card, identity card provided by school/college etc. The Assessor may choose to not conduct the assessment for a particular candidate in case of lack of his/her photo-ID proof during the assessment
- In case it is found that an Assessor is looking to enter into any undue arrangements during the assessment process, he/she may be blacklisted and debarred from conducting any future assessments under the ESDM Skill Development Scheme.
- In case it is found that the designated Certified Assessor deputes a non-certified assessor to conduct an assessment on his/her behalf, the Certified Assessor may be blacklisted and debarred from conducting any future assessments. Reassessment will be conducted at the Training Center at no additional cost to the Training Partner. The KIA will be required to bear the costs for reassessment.
- Any non-compliance to the above guidelines or any malpractice during assessments may result in strict action against the defaulting agency/individual, with potential case for de-affiliation/blacklisting from participating under the ESDM Skill Development Scheme
- It is expected that the Training Partner has transferred the Assessment fees to the KIAs within 5 working days of the batch start.
- KIA has to assign the batch to an Assessor/ Assessing Body within 5 days of the batch being assigned to them.
- KIA has to ensure that assessment results are uploaded on ESDM Skill Development Portal within 5 working days of the assessment being conducted.
1. To professionally manage and support DeitY in implementation and monitoring of the scheme in the identified States/UTs.
2. To operate and manage the scheme in all States/UTs including transfer of funds to the various implementing agencies in a transparent manner.
3. Training Fees : -
- PMU is responsible to transfer 75% of the Training/ Course fees to the TP, subject to approval
from respective KIA and subject to meeting the employability norms set under the Scheme after
due certification of the General Category candidate.
- PMU is responsible to transfer 100% of the Training/ Course fees to the TP, subject to approval
from respective KIA and subject to meeting the employability norms set under the Scheme after
due certification of the Reserved Category candidate.
4. Assessment /Examination Fees : -
- PMU is responsible to transfer 100% of the Certification fees , directly to the Student via DBT, after due certification of the General Category candidate
- PMU is responsible to transfer 100% of the Certification fees, directly to the Student via DBT, after due certification of the candidate belonging to SC/ST/EWS Category.
5. Facilitate creation of awareness regarding the scheme.
6. Mobilize various stakeholders thru print and electronic media, workshops, seminars etc.
7. Facilitate development of PORTAL being created by NIELIT, for capturing various data from the Implementing Agencies, bring out periodic progress report, collect data for monitoring the scheme etc.
8. Facilitate impact assessment of the scheme to be carried out thru a third party like IIM in the 3rd year of the scheme. As a follow-up of this assessment, work-out mid-course corrections, if any, to be carried out for consideration of PRSG.
9. Ensure that the scheme is implemented as per the guidelines specified by DeitY.
10. Facilitate the meetings of the Expert Committee, Co-ordination Committee, and PRSG etc.
Process Owner : KIA
a) Issue of Certificate
Step Number |
Activity Brief |
Responsibility |
Remarks(if any) |
1 |
Assessment of a course is conducted. |
See Process “Facilitateconductof Assessment process” for more details regarding Facilitation of assessment |
2 |
KIA to upload assessment results on ESDM Skill Development Portal within 5 working days of the assessment being conducted |
3 |
The respective KIAs would issue certificates to students passing out in courses owned by the respective KIA within 5 working days of the results. |
KIAs to use the common template assigning Serial Number, unique to each KIA , duly signed by the authorized signatory of the respective KIA |
Process Owner : KIA / SIA
a) Identification of Courses
Step Number |
Activity Brief |
Responsibility |
Remarks(if any) |
1 |
SIAs / KIAs can propose new courses, to be added to the approved list of courses, based on demand and employability prospects to DeitY and PMU, in the format as per Appendix |
All SIAs/ KIAs to ensure sharing new courses by end of each Quarter viz. last working day of March, June, September, December |
2 |
PMU to compile all the courses and share the courses to Technical Core Committee for Review within 5 working days of end of each Quarter. |
3 |
PMU to call meeting of Technical Core Committee within 5 working days of step 2. |
4 |
Technical Core Committee to discuss merits of each course viz. to check for relevance to ESDM Sector, duplicity of course w.r.t. earlier approved courses, suitability and thereafter Reject and/or Recommend courses accordingly |
TechnicalCore Committee / PMU |
5 |
PMU to convene Co-ordination Committee Meeting at the earliest, preferably within 3 working days of Technical Core Committee Recommendations |
6 |
Co-ordination Committee to discuss and suitably approve the recommendations of the Technical Core Committee. |
Co-ordination Committee / PMU |
7 |
Recommendations of Co-ordination Committee to be shared to Expert Committee for final recommendation |
PMU / Expert Committee |
8 |
Upon approval of Recommendations of Co-ordination Committee, PMU to notify all SIA / KIA about the new approved courses along with detailed syllabus |
Process: Training Fees
Step Number |
Activity Brief |
Responsibility |
1 |
No training fees to be collected from candidates of SC/ST/EWS Category. |
TP |
2 |
25% of the training / course fees cost for General Category candidates would be borne by the candidate/TP or jointly. TP to collect course fees according. |
TP |
3 |
Condition for Training Fees Reimbursement: The placement parameters are kept as minimum of 70% of the pass-out candidates for 100% fee reimbursement by training provider; and per candidate employed for below 70% employment (on actual placement basis till 70%) |
The TP has to
of the
for at
two months
before putting in the request for fee
from PMU |
4 |
After 2 months of the employment of the first student of a respective batch, Training Partner to submit the offer letter/Certificate of Self- employment along with proof of continued employment/Self- Employment (e.g. Salary slips/ Bank statement of candidate showing salary transfer / Salary or Income certificate of at least 2 months) in order to claim the reimbursement. |
TP |
5 |
Training Partner to submit the above documents to KIAs and seek approval from the respective KIA |
TP |
6 |
After approval from KIA, Training partner to submit the above approved documents to SIA in order to claim reimbursement of the training fees. |
TP |
7 |
Upon receipt of the relevant details, SIA to transfer the training fees to TP, subject to approval from respective KIA, within 5 working days of receipt of reimbursement request. |
8 |
The Training Partner can submit claim for reimbursement after an interval of 2 months from the last claim made. |
TP |
9 |
Once the Training Partner submits proof of placement of 70% of the pass-out candidates, the Training Partner can seek reimbursement for training fees for 100% of the pass-out candidates |
TP |
Process: Certification Fees
StepNumber |
Activity Brief |
Responsibility |
1 |
Training Partner to collect Assessment Fees from all candidates of all categories (General, SC/ ST / EWS), at the time of enrolment, based on the Assessment fees of the Course depending on the Level (L1-L5) as per Scheme |
2 |
Training partner to transfer the cumulative assessment fee to the respective KIA within 5 working days of starting of the training of the batch |
TP |
3 |
Training partner to update the ESDM SKILL DEVELOPMENT PORTAL with Assessment Fee transferred NEFT transaction number and the date of transfer. KIA can verify these details based on the actual bank transfer made |
TP , KIA |
4 |
Upon successful certification of the candidate, KIA to notify the result to PMU through the ESDM Skill Development Portal |
5 |
For the successfully certified candidates, PMU to transfer 100% of the examination fees belonging to General Category and 100% of the examination fees belonging to SC/ST/EWS Category. This would be transferred to the candidate account through DBT |