Responsibilities of All Stakeholders
(1) 'Scheme for Financial Assistance to select States/UTs for Skill Development in Electronics System Design and Manufacturing (ESDM) sector'
Responsibilities of DeitY and Implementing Agencies
- To set up an Expert Committee to recommend a basket of courses which could be covered under the proposed scheme. The Committee will look into various aspects like syllabus, content, course fee, course duration, training process, etc. for any such course to become eligible for funding under the scheme. The Expert Committee will also recommend new Courses from time to time depending on the new emerging requirements including such courses that may not be available and/or popular and/or viable but essential for a particular need.
- To set up a Project Review and Steering Group (PRSG) under the Chairmanship of Joint Secretary, DeitY, to regularly monitor and steer the implementation of the scheme
- To provide necessary funds to the Implementing Agency on the recommendation of the PRSG, and/or assessment by DeitY and as approved by DeitY.
- To assist in expediting issues related to the progress of this scheme, co-ordination with the relevant Govt. departments/ organisations/ institutions/Sector Skill Councils/NIELIT and other agencies concerned.
- To take up any other issues and aspects related to the Scheme.
- To sign an MoU with DeitY and be the single point of contact on behalf of the State Government/UT w.r.t. implementation of the Scheme.
- To liaise with the training/skilling partners (both government as well as private including ITIs, Polytechnics, other similar state level institutions, etc.) duly identified/recognized/accredited by NIELIT/ESSCI/TSSC.
- To facilitate sharing of resources wherever possible – workshop, labs need not be set in each training institute.
- To ensure that the assistance under the scheme to enhance the skilled human resource availability in the ESDM sector and is not used to fund existing capacities.
- To publicise the scheme to attract target group towards the scheme.
- To liaise, interact and coordinate with Govt. training/educational institutions/schools for working out a collaboration with the identified training/skilling agencies/institutions so as to ensure that their students join these training programs.
- To liaise, interact and coordinate with respective employment exchanges and to work out a mechanism for enrolment of unemployed youth in these training programmes.
- To liaise, interact and coordinate with the proposed Greenfield Electronic Manufacturing Clusters being set up by DeitY as well as with the industry in the existing Brownfield Electronic Manufacturing Clusters notified by DeitY in their own and neighboring States/UTs to ensure dovetailing of this scheme with EMCs.
- To create a placement mechanism for liaisoning, interacting and coordinating with the prospective employers for ensuring placement of the trained/skilled candidates.
- To create suitable monitoring mechanism, including Aadhar based identification, wherever possible, to avoid double counting and proper monitoring.
- To provide periodic information to DeitY as per format to be provided for monitoring the implementation of the scheme.
- To ensure that the deliverables as outlined therein will be completed within the allotted timeframe and budget. Any deviation should be duly recommended by PRSG for approval of DeitY.
(2) Scheme for 'Skill Development in ESDM for Digital India'
Responsibilities of ESSCI/NIELIT/TSSC
- Convene meetings of Expert Committee to recommend a basket of courses which could be covered under the proposed scheme. The Committee will look into various aspects like syllabus, content, course fee, course duration, training process, etc. for any such course to become eligible for funding under the scheme. The Expert Committee will also recommend new Courses from time to time depending on the new emerging requirements including such courses that may not be available and/or popular and/or viable but essential for a particular need.
- To set up a Project Review and Steering Group (PRSG) under the Chairmanship of Joint Secretary, DeitY, to regularly monitor and steer the implementation of the scheme
- To provide necessary funds to the Implementing Agency on the recommendation of the PRSG, and/or assessment by DeitY and as approved by DeitY.
- To assist in expediting issues related to the progress of this scheme, co-ordination with the relevant Govt. departments/ organisations/ institutions/Sector Skill Councils/NIELIT and other agencies concerned.
- To take up any other issues and aspects related to the Scheme.
Each of the selected State/UT government would be required to identify an existing state/UT level Implementing Agency in their State/UT which would in turn liaise with training/skilling partners, Industry and academic institutions in their States/UTs and ensure that deliverables of the project are achieved in a time bound manner. The role of States and UTs through their identified Implementing Agency would be:
- To sign an MoU with PMU and be the single point of contact on behalf of the State Government/UT w.r.t. implementation of the Scheme.
- To liaise with the training/skilling partners (both government as well as private including ITIs, Polytechnics, other similar state level institutions, etc.) duly identified/recognized/accredited by NIELIT/ ESSCI/TSSC.
- To facilitate sharing of resources already available – workshop, labs need not be set in each training institute
- To publicise the scheme to attract target group towards the scheme.
- To liaise, interact and coordinate with Govt. training/educational institutions/schools for working out a collaboration with the identified training/skilling agencies/institutions so as to ensure that their students join these training programs.
- To liaise, interact and coordinate with respective employment exchanges to work out a mechanism for enrolment of unemployed youth in these training programmes.
- To liaise, interact and coordinate with the proposed Greenfield Electronic Manufacturing Clusters being set up by DeitY as well as with the industry in the existing Brownfield Electronic Manufacturing Clusters notified by DeitY in their own and neighboring States/UTs to ensure dovetailing of this scheme with EMCs.
- To create a placement mechanism for liaisoning, interacting and coordinating with the prospective employers for ensuring placement of the trained/skilled candidates.
- To create suitable monitoring mechanism, including Aadhar based identification, wherever possible, to avoid double counting and proper monitoring.
- To provide periodic information to DeitY as per format to be provided for monitoring the implementation of the scheme.
- To prepare a mechanism, standard norms and guidelines for design, development, delivery, assessment and certification for various courses in consultation with Industry and employers.
- To prepare a competency based curriculum that would include syllabus, student manual, trainers guide, training manual, teacher qualifications, multimedia package and e-material.
- To ensure that the curricula is prepared modularly which allows for step ups in skill accumulation and facilitate exit and entry. All the courses are to be aligned with NSQF.
- To assess and certify the competence acquired at each level for ensuring recognition and acceptance by Industry and prospective employers.
- To finalise courses at all level, fix minimum duration and fees at each level.
- To prepares guidelines and norms for accreditation of training/skilling institutions in terms of training/skilling infrastructure, labs, faculty/trainers, etc.
- To promote accreditation of large number of training institutions by providing necessary guidance, training of trainers, etc.
- To prepare norms for periodic monitoring and assessment the quality of training partners/accredited institutions.
The PMU would have the following objectives:
- PMU to operate and manage the Scheme at all the state/UT including transfer of funds to the various implementing agencies viz. NIELIT, ESSC and TSSC under the aegis of DeitY in a transparent manner. The fund release to the various implementing agencies could be affected by the PMU based on the recommendations of PRSG.
- To professionally manage and support the Department in implementation and monitoring of the scheme in the States/UTs
- To facilitate creation of awareness and mobilization of various stakeholders including general public at large through print and electronic media, workshops, seminars etc.
- To facilitate creation of an MIS for capturing various kinds of data from the implementing agencies, bring out periodic progress report, collect any other relevant data for monitoring of the scheme
- To facilitate carrying out an impact assessment of the scheme by a third party in the third year of the scheme so that the learnings/mid-course corrections, if any, could be carried out during the balance period of implementation of the scheme.
- The Implementing Agency shall ensure that all the activities of the scheme are completed as per strict timelines.